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Flags Engineered for Space - Jupiter

Flags Engineered for Space - Jupiter

Flag for Europa (Jupiter's chosen moon)

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Though Jupiter is Gigantic the materials that form the planet are comparatively light. Layers of Jupiter:

1. Liquid Layer: The existence of a solid core at Jupiter’s heat is unproven but likely.
2. Liquid Metallic Hydrogen Layer: Liquid hydrogen atoms break down under heart and pressure to create a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen.
3. Core: Below Jupiter’s cloud layer, increasing pressure gradually causes the planet’s hydrogen to act like a liquid rather than gas.

Jupiter’s upper layers contain chemical cocktails that include ammonia, methane, water and hydrogen sulphide. Therefore, Jupiter is not a world on which a spacecraft could ever land. Therefore we can choose Jupiter’s capable moon of Europa to plant our flag.

The smallest of Jupiter’s Galilean moons. The volcanic activity that generates is thought to warm a vast ocean of liquid water trapped beneath the frozen crust. This hidden sea may be one of the few places in the solar system that is hospitable. In 2003 Galileo plunged into Jupiter’s atmosphere to destroy itself and eliminate any risk that it might contaminate the Galilean moons with microbes from Earth. Therefore, it is safe to say that it’s going to be a while before we plant our flag in one of these moons!

Europa's surface temperature at the equator never rises above minus 260F (- 160°C ). At the poles of the moon, the temperature never rises above minus 370F (- 220°C).Minimum temperature is 225F (-143°C) and maximum temperature is 95F (35°C).

Flag Construction
Using something like the in-orbit decontamination system inside the Microgravity Science Glovebox (MSG) aboard the International Space Station might help decontaminating the flag before planting or launching a mark on one of these moons.

Flag Materials
UV stabilized nylon appliqued flag

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